There are innumberable Twins fans out there who were/are just not as impressed with the GB Leighton Twins Territory theme as perhpas they would hope to be. In fact, there are a good number who mute/channel-flip/leave-the-room/puncture-their-eardrums every time the piece comes on during games. There was even some hope during the roadtrip that the song had been dropped since it wasn’t played during either the Seattle series or in Oakland. I hated to be the voice of pessimism when I pointed out that perhaps the “Twins Territory” theme was better reserved for home games and they were using something else for roadtrips. Sure enough, GB’s theme made an appearance during the game last night.
However, several of us in the Knuckleballs game chat noticed that we were also treated to something a little different. Ok, a LOT different and vaguely familiar. Turns out the Twins have a NEW musical commercial segment. Due to it’s odd listenability and catchiness, we set out to see what the song was and where it came from. Was it new? Were the bringing back something old? Does it mean they are getting rid of the GB bit? I was assigned to be “investigative reporter” and find the answers to these monumental life questions.
Here’s the breakdown: the Twins have a new commercial. It a remake of the 2007 remake of the 1981 “original” Twins version of Talkin’ Baseball by Terry Cashman. You can find the Lyrics of the two original versions by doing a simple internet search – which I found straight off. Who knew that if I had just bothered to go to the Twins website, I would have gotten the CURRENT version straight off. Check out the link and judge for yourself.
MN Twins Talkin’ Baseball Commercial
So, no, GB isn’t gone – at least not yet – this is a legitimate new commercial. And I like it! But maybe it will fill a little more broadcast time and we’ll have a little less of the musical angst.
But I believe this ends my very brief career as an investigative reporter.
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The original 1981 version of this song was not for the Twins, but a tribute to players from the 1950s. Cahsman then wrote several different versions of this song for different teams, and he wrote one for the Twins but it was not in 1981. I know that because it talks about Kirby and Herbie and such. It’s on the CD “Minnesota Twins Greatest Hits”:
My Mom was very excited to hear this during the broadcast. She even recorded a little bit of it and sent it to me! Har har. We sang that song a lot, “Just like Tooony, the Killer and Carew (Kirby! Kirby! Kirby!)”
I don’t know anything about a 2007 Twins remake? I’d be interested to hear.
Ending the investigative reporter career? Don’t count on it. Once people discover you’re good at something, it’s funny how they keep giving you similar assignments. You may have done your job too well!
Excellent work!
Now that I’ve heard it, I’m pretty sure there was also a Cubs version of “Talking Baseball” . . . though it’s not on my Cubs Greatest Hits CD . . . and “Go Cubs Go” by the late Steve Goodman has pretty much taken over down there.
Guessing Fox contracted to play that Leighton nightmare piece X number of times . . . so we’re probably stuck with it for a while. Though I have yet to hear/read one positive review . . . At least it gives me one reason not to regret canceling my cable.
Terry Cashman did “Talkin’ Baseball” songs for every major league team, at least twice and I’m pretty sure in each of the past three decades.
I’ve purchased some of them here:
I believe you can search Terry Cashman at iTunes and find many of them, too.
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