After three straight games with 4 towering homeruns.. you know, we have to have a better word for hitting the top of the American flag pole or denting the pavement in the Target Field Plaza… But really, what do you call it?!? When he used to hit them AGAINST us while playing for the White Sox, it was monstrous, even villainous.
But now? Big Jim is one of the good guys! He’s our hero!! In fact, we jokingly referred to him as Mr. Incredible in our gamechat. So when a friend of mine posted this to his facebook this morning, I giggled with glee! His friend, TD Davis, had had a little bit of fun with editing and here we have our own Mr. Incredible, Jim Thome! He currently sits at #586 career homeruns, tied with Frank Robinson, but you have to know he’s not done yet! I hope he enjoys being with the Twins as much as we fans are enjoying him being with the Twins!
Joe C. from the Strib shared this quote from Delmon Young that I think says it all:
No wonder the Royals tried pitching around him.
“Heck, I would,” Young said. “He’s been hitting downtown too much lately. It’s fun to watch. It’s a tough act to follow because he’s hitting balls 500 feet. To hit it farther is impossible, unless you’re swinging from second base.”
And that’s not the only thing that Joe C. shared!! I know not all of you are twitter followers but just in case you are, there’s a new user as of last night! @Twinsbatgirl has returned to commentary – however she chooses to use it. I’m just ecstatic to see a little bit of true sass return to the world of Minnesota fandom. We’re glad you’re back Batgirl – hope to see more! Please forgive the use of your logo to identify you for those less familiar with your body of work.
Apparently, I’m going to have to get more involved in this new-fangled Twitter thing if that’s what it’s going to take to start getting my Batgirl fix again. There are some concerns, however. After a few years of withdrawal, I have finally almost kicked my Batgirl addiction (though just the fact that I’m participating in writing for a blog provides evidence that some addictions have long-lasting after-effects), but I know very well that I’ll be hooked all over again with the very first taste of her Twins-related “sass”.
My last day at this Walmart and the return of Batgirl? BEST DAY EVER! 🙂
So awesome to have Batgirl back — however she may tweet! Thanks for posting, CaptialBabs!
hmmm … Goober.. now there’s a vaguely familiar name… *wink*
Wow. Honored to be mentioned in the same post as Batgirl. Thanks for the props!
TD, this was my Superhero post! Of course, they were both together! Maybe I’m the only one that made the connection of Mr. Incredible and Batgirl but honest, that was what was in my head. *laugh*
Bring on the sass! 🙂
I just tried to envision Thome as Mr Incredible in LegoVision and now my head hurts.
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