Merry Christmas From Knuckleballs!

Merry Christmas, friends!

Yes, I know Babs posted this “funnie” a year ago on Christmas, but I find it so hilariously on the nose that I’m posting it again. In fact, it may even become an annual Knuckleballs tradition.

post christmas-baseball-cartoon1-598x540

Seriously, though, we want to wish all of our friends a very Merry Christmas. A year ago, we were pretty shocked at the number of readers our little Twins blog was getting and as difficult as it is for us to fathom, the number just keeps growing. We enjoy what we’re doing here at Knuckleballs and while we probably would keep spouting off about the Twins even if nobody was reading our stuff, it certainly makes us grateful that so many of you make an effort to come find us here.

BaseballChristmasYou are, in reality, our “Christmas present” and your willingness to spend your time and even share your own thoughts and opinions with us is truly appreciated.

So on behalf of CapitalBabs, Eric, KL and myself, thank you… and may you and yours all have a blessed holiday season. Take time to enjoy and appreciate your friends and family and please celebrate the holidays safely.

– JC