Coming Up On The Big 100,000!

We’ve been trying to come up with a way to celebrate the landmark visitor and tried to find out if we could determine who that lucky person was going to be… yeah we aren’t that technologically savvy. But we still wanted to celebrate hitting the mark so…

It’s time for another Knuckleballs contest! 

We have a gorgeous prize available – a framed Kirby Puckett memorial that was donated by my brother (HUGE Puckett fan).

Hopefully, that whets your appetite to play along! So here’s what we’re going to do.

You can see the current visitor count at the top right-hand column of the main page. You can even get a good summary of the visit history if you click on it.

Next, I’m looking for three pieces of information for you to offer:

A) The DAY you think we’ll hit 100,000.

B) The HOUR you think is the likely time to hit.

and lastly, the tie-breaker

C) Where in the world you think that visitor is going to log in from.

I can guarantee you that we never thought this was a mark we would hit when we started.. just wasn’t something that even occurred to us. But here we are and we hope you guys get to celebrate with us!

11 Replies to “Coming Up On The Big 100,000!”

  1. Oh boy. Tough questions.
    I’ll say Saturday, April 28, the 7 PM hour, Central Standard time.

    And the person will be from Minnesota.
    Congrats on the success!

  2. No, I’m not eligible to win… being part of “management” around here and all… but I can’t resist a contest. So just for the heck of it (and to give others a target to shoot at), I’m going to guess anyway. I’m going to say EXACTLY one week from the time I’m posting this… Tuesday, May 1 during the 10-11:00 am CT hour… and it will be someone from New York.

  3. hmmm… to be honest, I don’t know why you shouldn’t be eligible to win JC.. It’s not like we have any information we aren’t providing to the readers. We can make that choice as “management” but if we want to say the management is ok with it…

    At any rate, you can take yourself out of the running if you like and still see how close you get on the record. Either way is ok with me.

  4. Yes, I could influence the numbers, Babs. I AM that powerful!

    If visitorship lags, I could decide to write something of pure genius and get people suddenly flocking to our site. Or, perhaps more likely, if we’re zipping up to 100K too quickly, it would be a damn shame if our site mysteriously crashed until… say… Tuesday morning.

    Not that I would ever stoop so low… probably.

  5. 5/3/12 – noon Central – Iowa. Pretty site. Love the insightful writing and the baseball enthusiasm. Appreciate the Recently Update Blogs sidebar. Thanks.

  6. Pingback: Here Come the Landed Gentry – Knuckleballs

  7. Pingback: Get Your Votes In Before Time Runs Out! – Knuckleballs